Do you like Brie cheese? Who wouldn't? It's so yummy. Anyways you can get it SUPER cheap TODAY only (Wed Sept 22) at Pick 'N Save in the specialty cheese section. It's Buy One Get One Free. I believe one round of President Brie cheese is usually $4.99. So you get two for $2.50 each. BUT there's more. Look carefully by your President products because you should be able to find a little recipe/info book. Pick up two of those babies because they each have a $1.00 off/1 coupon in them. And since today is Double Daze you'll get $2 off/1 today. That means you get each Brie for around $0.50. Sweet deal, right?

Plus the Baguettes are on sale for $1.89 so pick up a couple of those and you'll have the perfect French snack.
(Oh one note - you have to spend $25 to double your coupons. And you can only double up to 5 coupons per transaction.)